• By admin
  • February 6, 2024

Electrospinning Disadvantages

electrospinning prosandcons Electrospinning Disadvantages

Electrospinning Disadvantages

Electrospinning Disadvantages 1024 565 Spingenix | Electrospinning Machines & Accessories

This technique works thanks to the electric field created between a needle (metal capillary) and a conductive surface. As shown in the image to the right, spray the material you want to create in the nano/microfiber through a needle with tension on the tip. A substance charged positively by the voltage on the needle is attracted to the negatively charged conductive surface at the opposite end. The materials, which are placed on the conductive surface in the form of fibers, ultimately form the fabric framework. Although the basis of this technique dates back to the 1930s, it evolved into its current form in the 1960s.

electrospinning disadvantages

When a voltage up to an appropriate threshold is applied after the formation of a droplet at the tip of the needle due to the electric field, the material ejected from the tip of the needle takes on a shape known as a Taylor cone. If this threshold is exceeded, the material moves in the form of fibers to the conductive surface on the opposite side.

disadvantages of electrospinning

There are various material options that can be used in electrospinning applications as well as 3D bioprinting applications. These can be divided into two main groups of natural and synthetic polymers.

The resulting fibers can be used as scaffolds in tissue engineering applications, as well as often in areas such as pharmaceutical research. One of the most common methods used in such studies is the production of drug-containing fibers by mixing the active ingredient of the drug with fibrogenic substances. The use of fibers as scaffolds has disadvantages including the inability to control the shape of the resulting fibrous structures.

disadvantage of electrospinning

One of the biggest disadvantages of the technique is that not all desired materials can be used. Because of this, the innovative approaches that can be developed specifically for tissue engineering are somewhat limited. Nevertheless, electrospinning has now established itself as an important tissue engineering tool due to its advantages such as simplicity, low cost, and high performance.

electrospinning advantages and disadvantages

However, there is a major obstacle to the production of scaffolds by electrospinning with cell-containing biomaterials. Cellular fiber production in one step has very limited applications because there is a parameter with high potential for cell damage such as high voltage.

advantages and disadvantages of electrospinning

For this reason, when electrospinning is used in tissue engineering research, cells are later added to the fibers produced. In addition, since the scaffolds produced are obtained as a thin layer that can be described as two-dimensional, there are difficulties in achieving a three-dimensional cell culture environment, which is one of the major research topics in tissue engineering. For these reasons, the focus of electrospinning research has shifted to other studies. Since these various study topics are outside the main focus of this blog, this article ends here.

Many of these studies focus on the development of new anode materials using nanofabrication techniques. As a result of the studies, the use of nanometer-sized lithium active materials (Si, Sn, etc.) and the inclusion of these nanometer-sized materials in carbon structures with a homogeneous distribution are attracting attention as the methods with the most positive results. until now. While the lithium active material component in nano-sized lithium/carbon active material composite anodes exhibits high lithium storage capacity, the carbon component offers excellent electronic conductivity and structural stability. In this study, research was conducted on the development of high-performance composite nanofiber anode materials for use in lithium-ion batteries.

For this purpose, the fabrication of new anode materials from composite nanofibers was carried out and the electrochemical performances of the obtained anodes were analyzed in detail. In the first of the studies to develop a high-capacity anode for lithium-ion batteries, experimental studies were conducted to obtain the anode material composed of composite SnO2/porous carbon nanofibers whose outer surface was covered with amorphous nanofibers (10nm) covered is carbon.